2.使用后应将模板材料清理干净, 排放在专用库房内。
框架梁定型塑料模板一般使用工业机油进行涂刷,其他的材料对于模具多少都会有着影响。而震动的话框架梁塑料模板建议使用振动平台,能够平整的进行模板放置,不会与模板的内腔进行直接接触,接下来在震动完成后就是脱模了,塑料模具避免使用工具帮助脱模,可以将模具反转倒置在地面上。Generally, industrial engine oil is used for painting, and other materials can have an impact on the amount of mold used. If there is vibration, it is recommended to use a vibration platform for the plastic formwork of the frame beam, which can place the formwork smoothly without direct contact with the inner cavity of the formwork. After the vibration is completed, the mold is demoulded. Avoid using tools to help demould the plastic mold, and the mold can be inverted on the ground.