建筑行业,高速流水渠定型塑料模板的综合性能好,强度也比较大。 在建筑行业,尺寸很重要,而且尺寸比较稳定,摩擦阻力也很容易清洗。 采用高速流水渠定型塑料模板,有利于施工组织,脱模均匀。 一般来说,高速流水渠定型塑料模板在混凝土浇筑后一个多星期就可以烧成。
The high-speed flow channel shaped plastic template is made of polypropylene injection molding, which has excellent washing resistance, high strength, collapse resistance, and long service life. This template can be made into various sizes, shapes, textures, and preset special colors according to the different needs of users. Compared to traditional waterways, these templates have faster processing speed, more efficient construction, and certain environmental performance.